
North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS)

Competency Goal 4: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of the form and function of the skeletal and muscle systems of the human body.
4.01 Identify the skeleton as a system of the human body.
4.02 Describe several functions of bones:
  • Support.
  • Protection.
  • Locomotion.

What is the Human Skeletal System?

The skeletal system is the framework of the human body.  It consists primarily of 206 bones, as well as cartilage, tendons and ligaments.  The skeleton serves many important functions, including providing a shape and form for the body.  Other important functions of the skeletal system include:  providing protection, locomotion and support, as well as producing blood and storing minerals.

This website provides an in-depth review of the two primary subdivisions of the human skeleton:  the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.  It also provides an overview of the four major types of bones, a glossary of terms related to the human skeletal system, and a reference listing.